Because they sure are putting me through the ringer. Everything, and I mean everything, is a fight these days. Maggie is ripping up books, hitting me and the Mister, putting her fingers in the stamp pad milliseconds after I tell her that the only rule I have for playing stamping is not putting your fingers in the stamp pad. Oliver is throwing himself to the floor and wailing, throwing his couscous on the ground and then stomping on it. It's like living with two door-slamming, eye-rolling teenagers. It's rough. I am not handling it as well as I should be. I raise my voice. I yell. I jut out my lower jaw in a threatening manner. Tonight, in an effort to speed up time, thus reaching bedtime more quickly, I let them watch an entire hour of TV (Stellaluna on DVD, actually). This is something we simply do not do. But, ugh, I needed backup.
There are still traces of my two little darlings. They are affectionate and cute and sweet often enough to keep me from leaving them at the nearest Target and hitting the road. But, man, why can't we all just get along?
Here's a little sample of the cuteness that still glimmers through:
OLIVER (switching off my bedside lamp): You have to turn off the the light when you leave the room so you don't waste tickly.
A thing I like